March 6, 2020

Fire Escapes New York

Fire Escape Engineers

Fire Escape Inspections
Ladder Inspections
Fire Escape Load Tests
Balcony Inspections
Deck Inspections

"All exit discharge, exterior stairways and fire escapes shall be kept free of snow and ice. Any fire escape or exterior stairway found to be in a state of deterioration or determined to be unsafe by the fire official shall be repaired immediately. Depending upon the structural condition, a load test of any fire escape shall be conducted before the escape is returned to service in accordance with the N.J.A.C. 5:23, the Uniform Construction Code”
Fire Escapes New York City

1) Local New York City LAW 11 requires Fire Escapes that are 7 stories and above to be inspected AND certified every 5 years.

2) New York State requires Fire Escapes to be inspected AND certified every 5 years.


The City of Philadelphia’s Property Maintenance Code requires all building owners to maintain their buildings in good repair, structurally sound and sanitary so as to not impose a threat to the public. Additionally, the Fire Code establishes specific requirements for periodic inspections of fire escapes and fire escape balconies and the filing of reports of such inspections. This document serves to inform the public of the method of reporting those inspections to the Department. Philadephia Fire Escapes

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Fire Code 2015 of New York State


International Fire Code 2015 (IFC 2015)

Web link:


Chapter 11 Construction Requirements for Existing Buildings

1104.16.5 Materials and Strength

Components of fire escape stairways shall be constructed of noncombustible materials. Fire escape stairways and balconies shall support the dead load plus a live load of not less than 100 pounds per square foot (4.78 kN/m2). Fire escape stairways and balconies shall be provided with a top and intermediate handrail on each side.

1104.16.5.1 Examination

Fire escape stairways and balconies shall be examined for structural adequacy and safety in accordance with Section 1104.16.5 by a registered design professional or others acceptable to the fire code official every 5 years, or as required by the fire code official. An inspection report shall be submitted to the fire code official after such examination.

1104.16.6 Termination

The lowest balcony shall not be more than 18 feet (5486 mm) from the ground. Fire escape stairways shall extend to the ground or be provided with counterbalanced stairs reaching the ground.

Exception: For fire escape stairways serving 10 or fewer occupants, an approved fire escape ladder is allowed to serve as the termination.

1104.16.7 Maintenance

Fire escape stairways shall be kept clear and unobstructed at all times and shall be maintained in good working order.

N.Y. Labor Law 273 – excerpt:

7. Every fire-escape if constructed of material subject to rusting shall be painted with two or more coats of good paint in contrasting colors; in the case of a new fire-escape the first coat before erection, and the second coat after erection. Whenever a fire-escape becomes rusty, the owner shall repaint it with two additional coats of good paint. 8. a. Whenever a non-fireproof multiple dwelling is not provided with sufficient means of egress in case of fire, the department may order such additional fire-escapes or balconies as in its judgment may be deemed necessary. b. The owner of a multiple dwelling shall keep and maintain every fire-escape thereon in good order and repair. c. No person shall at any time place any encumbrance of any kind before or upon any fire-escape, or place or keep a cover of any kind over the stairway opening in a balcony of such fire-escape. An occupant or tenant of a multiple dwelling who shall violate or assist in the violation of the provisions of this paragraph shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable as provided in section three hundred four. 9. No fire-escape shall be removed from or constructed on any existing multiple dwelling without permission from the department. No fire-escape shall be removed from any apartment without due precaution against leaving occupants of such apartment without adequate means of egress in case of fire. A wire, chain cable, vertical ladder or rope fire-escape is an unlawful means of egress. Every such fire-escape, if required as a means of egress, shall be removed and replaced by a system of fire-escapes constructed and arranged as provided in this section. 10. The department shall have the power to make supplementary regulations relating to fire-escapes.

For entire code click here…

2012 IFC 1104.16.5.1 Fire escape stairs must be examined every 5 years ,by design professional or others acceptable and inspection report must be submitted to the fire code official.

IBC 1001.3.3 All fire escapes shall be examined and/or tested and certified every five years by a design professional or others acceptable who will then submit an affidavit city official.

NFPA LIFE SAFETY CODE 101 The Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) shall approve any fire escape by Load Test or other evidence of strength (Certification).

OSHA 1910.37 Exit routes must be maintained during construction, repairs, alterations or provide alternative egress with equivalent level of safety. (permit issued if egress is certified or with egress scaffolding) 

FIVE STEPS to Certify a Fire Escape:

  1. Schedule a pre load test evaluation by a design professional or others acceptable by City Official – AHJ (Authority Having Jurisdiction)
  2. Said professional will confirm with City Official if there are any other requirements other than load testing or other evidence of strength and if City Official wants to witness initial evaluation
  3. Submit evaluation report to owner/agent and a copy to the City Official as per code
  4. Issue certification, if passed, done by load test or other evidence of strength to City Official or, if failed, owner/agent and city official to confirm next steps (ex. engineer oversight, permits or other conditions)
  5. Please contact your local City Official (AHJ) with any questions about the above steps


Send us photos of your fire escape by email:

Click here to submit photo/videos via an online form for a free evaluation.